The dreadful fires on top of the continuing drought has led us to the conclusion we cannot continue with our plan of NSW Southern Coast, Canberra and the Victorian High Country .
So after a re-plan to keep us safe and not endanger others we are off to Tasmania on January 12th for 5 weeks returning on February 18th. We are both really happy with the decision and will plan to do the part we missed out on at a later date.
So see map for our plan up to June 2020 (subject to change at the drop of a hat 🙂 )
We are in Orange for 3 nights and then head off to Melbourne via Narrandera (1 night) and Echuca on the Murray river (3 nights).

6 responses to “Big Lap Re-plan due to Fires (Wk 8)”
Sounds like a plan. Safe travels…..such devastating news each day from Australia. Adapt and overcome I was told in my last EA role!
Good decision grasshopper!
That’s a relief to hear and as you say you can do at another time. Happy 2020 and happy travelling xxxx
Good decision. We can only imagine what it must be like in the fire zones at present.
Hopefully weather conditions will improve to give the residents and firemen some respite
Hey U2,
What an awesome decision…….I’m sure you will love Tassie as much as I did 😀
Remember, scollop pies, boutique gin distillery’s and craft beers, I think I’ve covered all the food groups 😬😊
Stay safe. I’m looking forward to some Tassie info, and drink some descent wine while you are there both of you!!