We purchased the Legend Trackline 20’6 caravan in June 2019 and towed it home from Melbourne as a trial run. The rig and car are about 14 metres long, so no small feat to park.
This first run included as many types of caravan life as we could pack in i.e. bush tracks, highways, free camping, show grounds, a friends driveway and caravan parks.
Some stuff fell off our “Off road” caravan and it went to the dealer for warranty work 3 times. We spent quite a while learning how to operate all the gadgets and finding a comfortable way to live. The caravan is now more sorted and the modifications for off grid life are well underway.
In Nov/2019 we started to live in the van full time and this triggered another wave of minor modifications to pack in all that we wanted to take.
Our home is now a combination of the caravan and car with the rear seats dedicated to Alison’s shoe collection and a pair of thongs for Paul.
The car modifications are now complete with the new towing mirrors. Car stands 2.2 metres tall (2.5 with roof rack loaded) and the caravan is 3.2 metres. Not what you would call a streamline operation, but with the V8 we can achieve ramming speed when necessary.
Bring on Dec 5th and the start of our travels.