Category: General

  • Getting ready to leave (again)

    Newmarket Gardens Caravan Park

    Its nearly a year since we arrived back in Brisbane. Paul went back to work, we sold our house, planned the next Big Lap and moved back into our caravan.

    We are now ready to set off again on March 24th 2021. Please see ‘2021 Map’ for the plan which is another figure of eight but missing out on the south-west and the Nullabor Plain:

    • Starting in QLD (March 2021) going West through Queensland, Northern territory and Western Australia through the “Outback Way” to Geraldton WA.
    • Then north along the WA coast to the top of the Dampier peninsular.
    • Across the top starting June which is the dry season and the rivers should have dropped to allow access (fingers crossed).
    • From mid August 2021 we will be travelling South down the centre to South Australia.
    • A Spring (Sept/October) run through Victoria high country before turning North to NSW and then for home in November.

    As before I will update the blog with our travels depending on connectivity. I hope you will enjoy our travels.

    2021 Plan
  • The Big Lap Interrupted

    The route back to Brisbane

    So we are heading back to Brisbane. We had to have the car repaired in Port Augusta today so we will not make the border closures. No idea what will happen at the boarders as information is sketchy.

    We are heading back to Newmarket Gardens caravan park (our start point) who are expecting us and will assist in self-isolating if required (some businesses are really stepping up).

    Don’t worry if you don’t hear from us for a while – we may not have much mobile reception on the route back through central NSW.

    Stay safe everyone!

  • Tasmania Review

    We have absolutely loved our time in Tassie. We are so pleased we visited the ‘Holiday Isle’ State of Australia. Here’s our ‘best of’ list:

  • Our new home (Wk 1-4)

    So the adventure begins… the plan had been to move into a local caravan park beginning of November 2019 but as our house did not rent, we delayed the move. The house is still not rented but we had to move into the caravan to allow for set-up time before we depart Brisbane on December 5th.
