El Questro Station / Resort is a destination at the end of the Gibb River Road (GRR) east of the Pentecost River (the river flooding closes the road in the wet season) and the end of the gravel (yippee!). It offers all types of accomodation/camping, walking tracks, 4WD tracks, lookouts and Croc free swimming holes. It has recently been taken over by an Australian company who are improving its battered reputation. Yes it is over priced but the facilities are good. And to be honest everything in the Kimberley is expensive. We really have enjoyed our rest here after the GRR.
On 26/06/2021 we drove the last 135km of the GRR. We are both glad to see the back of it. The first real vista we have seen on the road was the Pentecost River as we came down the Pentecost Range looking towards the Cockburn Range. Amazing. And then the turnoff to El Questro. After a bit of to’ing and fro’ing we got a lovely spot for our 7 night stay. Post parking setup, we walked around the campground and had an evening out at the bar. We are very relieved to be here.

On 27/06/2021 we walked the El Questro Gorge to Halfway Pool (we decided the last bit was beyond our ability). Beautiful shady narrow gorge with fern clad escarpments and a spring fed creek which you trek alongside. I use the term ‘trek’ loosely as you are scrambling over rocks the whole way. You have to remind yourself to stop looking at your feet and look at the amazing scenery. It was too early for a swim so we visited Zebedee Springs on the way back for a bathe in the thermal water. In the afternoon we went on a short 4wd to Branko’s lookout. Amazing views over Chamberlain River. A fabulous day doing some amazing things.

On 28/06/2021 we had the most amazing day taking a (doorless 🤣🤣) helicopter to Miri Miri Falls. The falls are not accessible except by helicopter. Our pilot was superb, we didn’t feel any bumps. There was just the two of us with Paul in the front and me in the back, both hanging on for dear life as we flew for 25mins over the different gorges and rivers before heading towards Miri Miri Falls. We flew over the falls before landing on a small spot of flat land. Our pilot walked us down to the falls and the waterhole. We could not believe we had it all to ourselves for an hour. It was very very refreshing (code for freezing). We swam to the falls and around the pool. While we dried off we had the sandwiches and drink provided. We were both more relaxed on the 15min flight back. An incredible experience that was worth every penny.

On 29/06/2021 we went on a 2 hour morning cruise through the Chamberlain Gorge. It was interesting hearing about the formation of the gorge and the history of El Questro. At the end of the gorge we fed the “seven spotted archer” fish. They can spit water up to 3m to knock insects into the river. It was hilarious as they could see us and spat at us! In the afternoon we went into Kununurra for fuel & supplies (booze!!). So pleased Kununurra looks a nice place as we are staying 11 nights later in the trip to ride out school holidays.

On 30/06/2021 we got up early to walk through the circular Moonshine Gorge trail. It is a 5km circuit following the creek at the base of the gorge. We knew it would be tough as it was a grade 4 (out of 5). It was beautiful, but after 1km of pretty hard rock scrambling and 2 creek crossings we decided to turn around and tackle the other end which lead up to some lookouts (and we got to see a Kimberley Rose up close). A good decision. We still covered 5km so we had a good walk. The real shame was that the waterhole had freshwater crocs in so we couldn’t swim.

Can you believe it, July? And on 01/07/2021 we had a more relaxing day with a 4wd to firstly, Saddleback Ridge Lookout with views of the Pentecost River. Secondly, to Pigeon Hole Lookout views of both the Pentecost and Chamberlain Rivers. In the evening we said goodbye to our camping neighbours. We’ve been so lucky to have them next to us for our stay.

On our last full day (02/07/2021) at El Questro we got up early to drive to Emma Gorge (35km). Wow, we saved the best til last. The easiest walk, still lots of scrambling but after Moonshine gorge it was easy peasy and at the end the most amazing waterhole and waterfall. A tad refreshing at 8.30am but lovely way to cool off. A family and us had the waterfall to ourselves. On the way back loads of people were making their way up the gorge.
We had coffee in the restaurant and waited til lunch for the best barramundi ceviche and Asian noodle salad ever. A great last day.

Tomorrow (03/07/2021) we drive a short distance to Wyndham for a 5 night stay exploring the area.