We have made it to the west coast of Australia. We both feel pretty pleased with ourselves. We arrived in Geraldton on 19/04/2021 for a 2 night stay at the Geraldton Caravan Park for a scheduled car service, stock replenishment and car/van cleaning (mud and red dust everywhere).
It is amazing seeing, smelling and hearing the sea again. Geraldton was not too badly affected by the cyclone which had hit a week earlier. Electricity had been restored and life was pretty much back to normal. It seemed a huge place after the last few weeks travelling across the centre.
In addition, to chores we visited the HMAS Sydney memorial. The memorial was for the 645 men lost when the ship was sunk in battle in November 1941. It was sunk during an engagement with a German ship in disguise. Both ships were sunk and not discovered until 2008. The memorial has many components including a granite wall with all 645 names engraved and a dome with a silver gull for each loss of life. We missed the daily talk but there was enough information to understand the worst Australian loss of life at sea.

On 21/04/2021 we head 50km north to Northampton for 7 nights. We should have been heading to Kalbarri (125km north) but the town and surrounds are closed due to the effects of cyclone Seroja.

Lastly, a big thank you for reading our blog and making comments. Much appreciated (even the anonymous ones!)
2 responses to “Geraldton (WK 4)”
Fabulous you’ve made it across!!! And found blue skys too ! ☀️😎 Totally enjoying blog – wonderful photos – only made one anonymous comment – 😬 honestly!!! Enjoy and stay safe Kathie 😘
The memorial in Geraldton looks amazing. You both are looking relaxed and happy 😃