Karijini National Park (NP) (WK 9)

Hancock Gorge

In the Pilbara region of north west Australia, Karijini NP is in the middle of Iron ore mining country with its dark red rocks, red dust, spinifex grass and a myriad of gorges. We booked 4 nights to explore the park from the “so called” Eco retreat (over priced cods wallop). Our time in Karijini was gorge(ous). Paul’s joke not mine 😄.

On 22/05/2021 we drove a short distance into Karijini NP from Tom Price (highest town in WA) and setup for our stay, after which we headed for a walk to Joffre Gorge lookout (relevantly named as we are rewatching Game of Thrones). Unfortunately the staircase down to the swimming hole is being renovated but the view was amazing as you walk to the edge of the Gorge across a flat plain and it suddenly appears at your feet.

Joffre Gorge
Sunset from our campsite

On 23/05/2021 we drove to Dales Gorge firstly to the Fortescue Falls and then to the Fern Pool. Both beautiful but a tad too early for a swim. So we headed to the Circular Pool lookout, the pathway down is closed due to a rock fall, so again, no swim.

Fortescue Falls
Fern Pool
Circular Pool

Third time lucky we headed back to our campsite stopping at Kalamina Gorge for a walk along the base of the gorge. After viewing the waterfall we followed the stream to the pool at the end. The swim was refreshing I.e. freezing 😄 so we found a spot in the sun and ate our packed lunch. In the evening we had a very good meal at our campsite restaurant. I had crocodile curry I.e. chicken curry 🤣 but Paul was boring and had a steak rather than kangaroo.

Kalamina Gorge
Kalamina Gorge

On 24/05/2021 we drove to Hamersley Gorge. The spectacular wavy rock folds are a distinctive feature due to minerals deposited as mud in a deep ocean basin about 2.5 billion years ago. Incredible. I can’t believe I am about to say this but it was a tad too cold for us thin skinned Queenslanders to go for a swim 🤗. Instead we headed to another gorge (I think you are starting to see a theme for our stay here…..), this time, Knox Gorge. I can’t get over how you are walking along and suddenly the earth tumbles below you. Knox was skinny and long and a class 5 bush walk. It was a bit late to attempt 🤗.

Hamersley Gorge
Hamersley Gorge
Hamersley Gorge
Knox Gorge

On 25/05/2021 we headed to Weano and Hancock Gorges, the closest gorges to our campsite. Arriving early we went to the lookouts of which again one was closed….. and then we decided on the easier walk (still class 4), a circuit of Weano Gorge. A good warm up for the main event, a class 5 walk of Hancock Gorge. Wow, it was amazing. Scrambling down a path, then a couple of ladders to the base of the gorge, then scrambling along the side walls following a stream and eventually having to get into the water for some distance to reach the corner known as the amphitheatre. The amphitheatre was channeled out by the river when in full flow. Crickey it was cold, but boy was it worth it. We only went as far as the amphitheatre and peered around the corner of spiders walk that leads into Kermits Pool. We were very happy with our achievement. We retraced our steps to return including back into the water which had not warmed up at all 😄.

Weano Gorge
Hancock Gorge
Hancock Gorge
Hancock Gorge
Hancock Gorge – Spider Walk
Hancock Gorge – Spider Walk

We’ve loved Karijini but a tad annoyed how much is closed permanently or being repaired during high season. That’s the problem with National Parks, it’s not a business.

Our next big destination is Broome travelling to Port Headland for 2 nights and Barn Station for 2 nights.

Our site at Karijini NP
Our next destination
Our last destination before Broome
Our current location


9 responses to “Karijini National Park (NP) (WK 9)”

  1. Trish Avatar

    Week 9 – maybe all gorges but must be the most amazing sights you’ve seen (so far!); absolutely stunning. Brave on the class 5 walk – probably not for us.

    1. Paul Avatar

      Class 5 had us worried but the water shoes give good grip on the local rocks and we took the easier routes

    2. admin Avatar

      I did look before I committed myself. A women of similar age was coming up so I spoke to her to ensure it was ok. We (like her) did not do the last part!

  2. Finola Avatar

    What stunning scenery! For people who are not keen on heights how did you both get on?

    1. admin Avatar

      See my reply to Trish. I was a tad nervous about the ladders but it wasn’t that high – honest!

  3. Meg Eccles Avatar
    Meg Eccles

    Oh my these shots are just breathtakingly stunning they bring tears! You both look fit and gorge(ous) too 😂

    1. admin Avatar

      You are tooo kind! xx

  4. Finola Avatar

    What amazing photos! For a couple who are not over fond of heights, how did you get on?

    1. Paul Avatar

      Some of the lookouts put your heart in your mouth, but I find the railings help me and the views are worth it