Kununurra (WK 17)

Lake Kununurra

What a surprise Kununurra and surrounds has been. We picked a great caravan park (CP) on the edge of town at the foot of the Mirima National Park (NP). One great feature of Kununurra is that due to the dams, water is never an issue. In fact we’ve been encouraged to wash our car and van to water the grass at the CP which has been fantastic for us to get rid of the red dirt from the last month in the Kimberley.

A very short early drive into Kununurra on 08/07/2021 to allow a day of van washing and setup. 09/07/2021 was a day of appointments (doctor, dentist and hairdresser) and shopping.

On 10/07/2021 we had a day tour of the Ord River from the Diversion Dam at Kununurra through Lake Kununurra to the Ord River Dam at the entrance to Lake Argyle. Lake Kununurra is a freshwater man made reservoir formed in 1963 by the construction of the Diversion Dam to supply water to the Ord River Irrigation Area (gravity fed). The scheme was supposed to create Australia’s food bowl but due to pests, disease and location has never lived up to the hype. However, recently, due to GM crops the area is more viable than previously.

The Ord River Dam (constructed of stones from the surrounding hillsides) was completed in 1972 which created Lake Argyle, Australia’s largest dam reservoir, it also stabilised Lake Kununurra to a permanent volume of water. Lake Argyle however varies depending on the wet season each year.

The tour consisted of travelling at 60km along the river in a 700hp shallow draft boat stopping at various places to look at the amazing wildlife, plants and scenery along the banks. A buffet lunch was provided on the riverbank. Once we reached the Ord River Dam we disembarked the boat and bused back to Kununurra. A fabulous tour.

Diversion Dam at Kununurra
Views along Lake Kununurra on Boat Trip
On the Boat Trip
‘Jesus’ birds walking on water (well, lily pads!)
Fresh water croc hunting ‘Jesus’ birds….
Ord River Dam from River Ord
Lake Argyle from Ord River Dam
River Ord from Ord River Dam (our boat is going back)

On 11/07/2021 more cleaning and then an afternoon at the town beach for a swim avoiding the freshies, salties and snakes (only kidding…..).

Town Beach

On 12/07/2021 we drove a few kms out of town to the iconic Ivanhoe Crossing which did not disappoint. It feels scary crossing the long ford but its only 0.5m deep (nice wheel wash). We then drove onto Black Rock and Middle Creek. Nothing to write home about in the dry season. And then back across the Ivanhoe Crossing to Kununurra.

Ivanhoe Crossing (first part)
Ivanhoe Crossing (second part)
Ivanhoe Crossing (first part, coming back)

A day of washing, shopping, cleaning…. on 13/07/2021. Late afternoon we drove up to Kelly’s Knob with view over Kununurra to watch the sunset with a couple of beers.

Sunset from Kellys Knob
Sunset from the CP towards Kellys Knob

On 14/07/2021 we drove out to Lake Argyle to walk (not too far, it’s too hot..), swim in the infinity pool (in top 10 of Australian swimming pools), swim in the lake and have lunch. A beautiful spot for a day out with a great lunch.

Infinity Pool towards Lake Argyle
In the pool
Lake Argyle

On 15/07/2021 we walked into Mirima National Park (NP) from the caravan park. What a beautiful park, known locally as the mini Bungle Bungles. We did a couple of the shorter walks in the NP that had lookouts I.e. lots of scrabbling up and down rocks.

Mirima National Park
Mirima National Park
Bower Bird nest (in QLD the male birds collect blue things e.g. bottle tops to attract a mate, here its white)
Black Cockatoos (they have a beautiful red spot on their tails – just visible)

On 16/07/2021 we went back into the NP for a longer walk. Not as spectacular as the previous day but good exercise! In the evening we went to the Pump house restaurant on Lake Kununurra to watch the sunset with a couple of beers followed by dinner. A lovely night out.

Pump house restaurant on Lake Kununurra
Lake Kununurra sunset
Seaplane coming into land on Lake Kununurra

On 17/07/2021 Paul went on a fishing trip along the River Ord below the diversion dam so salt water crocs everywhere. He came back with a huge piece of freshly filleted barramundi from a 77cm Barra. I was well impressed until I found out he’d been given it 😄. Having said that he was the only one to catch anything in his boat, a silver fork tail catfish. And the other boat caught barramundi but they were all undersized. It would have been a good day if he hadn’t got back to find a flat tyre on the car. And of course the repair shops are shut until Monday (the day we leave 🤣). He’s getting good at tyre changes.

Gone Fishing…
Salt Water Croc
The view made famous in the movie Australia

No plans for our last full day on 18/07/2021. On 19/07/2021 we travel into the Northern Territory. I can’t tell you how much we have enjoyed our time in WA. A huge state with an amazing array of things to see and do.

Our caravan site
Our next destination on the way to Katherine
Current Location