Northampton (replan for Kalbarri) (WK 5)

A panoramic view of the Hutt Lagoon Pink Lake

Due to the damage caused by cyclone Seroja we were unable to stay in Kalbarri nor were we able to visit Kalbarri National Park (NP). So, we have made the most of some downtime with relaxing 😊. We tried to volunteer to assist in the cleanup, but they need qualified safety certified tradies not cowboy IT geeks. We have loved our time in Northampton including the Anzac dawn service.

Nearly all the buildings in Northampton have been affected by the cyclone and the drone of generators rumbles 24/7. Apparently, it will be another week until power is restored to the town. We are lucky the caravan park has a generator which is reliable, and the van can cope if it goes down.

A 15 minute drive inland from Northampton is Horrocks Beach, a lovely spot for a lunch, swim, and fish (2 puffers caught). The small pier was crowded with birds waiting to steal a catch including 2 sea eagles. We got really close before they took flight.

We visited the Hutt Lagoon Pink Lake on the way to another beach, Gregory Point, north of Hordock’s. The Hutt Lagoon Pink Lake gets its colour from algae that naturally produce beta-carotene. Gregory Point was another great WA beach. I get the feeling we may see a few of these in the next week or so!

On the way back from Gregory we noticed a few renovated historic buildings which we stopped to investigate, and we were glad we did. WA was a free colony but required labour so ticket-of-leave convicts were transported to center’s such as the Lynton Convict Hiring Depot. As well as renovated buildings there was a museum which included a display on Anna Leonowens (the King and I teacher) who lived at Lynton with her husband and children. When Lynton closed, they sailed for Malaysia. Her husband died in Penang and Anna accepted a position as governess to the King of Siam. Who would have thought it?!

On Sunday April 25th we attended the Anzac Day dawn service and the later service which included a bag pipe player / music teacher who led the parade and the school choir. An amazing job 2 weeks after the cyclone. The keynote speaker was unable to attend as he got stuck in the Perth 3-day lockdown!  

Tomorrow (28/04/2021) we are starting our journey north to Shark Bay Caravan Park for 10 nights including a night in our swags visiting Steep Point.

Horrocks Pier
Gregory Beach (Near Northampton)
The Pink Lake
One of the renovated buildings at Lynton
Anzac Day Service
Next destination
Relaxing at Northampton caravan park


4 responses to “Northampton (replan for Kalbarri) (WK 5)”

  1. Finola Avatar

    Very interesting and lovely pictures…..a night in our swags? What does that mean in English? 🤣

    1. admin Avatar

      A very small tent 🙂

  2. Diana Feeney Avatar
    Diana Feeney

    You sure are seeing some fabulous sights and being adventurous. How was the night in the swag? – Diana

    1. admin Avatar

      It was surprisingly good. I think the soft sand helped! And the fact it was only for one night 🙂