The Big Lap Interrupted

The route back to Brisbane

So we are heading back to Brisbane. We had to have the car repaired in Port Augusta today so we will not make the border closures. No idea what will happen at the boarders as information is sketchy.

We are heading back to Newmarket Gardens caravan park (our start point) who are expecting us and will assist in self-isolating if required (some businesses are really stepping up).

Don’t worry if you don’t hear from us for a while – we may not have much mobile reception on the route back through central NSW.

Stay safe everyone!


4 responses to “The Big Lap Interrupted”

  1. Tracey Cartwright Avatar
    Tracey Cartwright

    Hey Tedders
    Was thinking of you and wondering if you would be heading back and hope you can make it home ok.
    Keep traveling safe.
    Kind Regards
    Tracey Cartwright

    1. Paul Avatar

      Tracey, thanks. Back and trying to get working again. Will be online sometime this week and will send you and email.
      All the best.

  2. Gibby Avatar

    What a bugger! Hopefully this thing will be over in enough time that you can get back on the road, even for an abridged journey.

    Good luck getting home and stay safe.

  3.  Avatar

    Hi there Paul & Alison, you have been on our minds the last few days, thinking and wondering where you are. We’re so sorry this trip of a lifetime has been put on hold for the time being. Like us at present there is no place like home. It will be 2 weeks tomorrow night since we got home. Been self isolating ever since. There’s plenty to keep us occupied and busy in the short term. Who would have thought. Looks like very different and worrying times ahead. We look forward to hearing that you guys get home safe and sound. Travel safe!! Best wishes & xo Marilyn & Ian Smith.